Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hangin' in a Helmet

116 of 365

I spotted this little guy on 17th Ave in front of Melrose Place today. He was just hangin' in the helmet while his owners enjoyed a beer and a bite.  

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Graffiti Greatness

115 of 365

Today Michelle, Nicole and I went on a walk about around 17th Ave.  We were on a photography mission and our goal was to capture a few different shots which included themes such as "Architecture", "Back in The Day", "Doubles/Pairs", etc.  

Can you guess what this one was?  That's right - graffiti.    Seeing how I was more interested in getting to a patio (to enjoy a refreshment or two) than taking pictures not a whole lot of effort went into my photography. However, despite that fact I am quite happy this shot.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Edo Japan

114 of 365

Tonight I spent the night home alone and dined on Edo Japan for supper.   I thought it was interesting how they incorporated their logo into the "Ladies" sign on the washroom door.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cutesy Shoes

113 of 365

An uncomfortable pair of shoes that I've had for awhile and have only worn a couple of times.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Merlot, anyone?

108 of 365

To save on cooler space Gord opted for a nice box of Merlot for his drink of choice for our 1st camping weekend of 2009.  

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good Night

106 of 365

Are you someone who makes their bed every morning before you leave for work?  If you asked me that question I would have to say Gord and I make the bed before we leave for work only 50% of the time and as you see in this photo today happened to be one of those days that we did not make the bed.  Either way I love the feeling of crawling into my bed at night and snuggling in between the cool crisp sheets.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mercury at Sundown

105 of 365

This truck belongs to my neighbor across the street and I've always wanted to photograph it, but just wasn't quite sure how to make it look cool.  After taking a few shots I eventually laid down on the ground (the very cold and uncomfortable ground may I add) and finally got a shot I was satisfied with. Some quick editing on Picnik and voila you have "Mercury at Sundown".

Monday, May 18, 2009


104 of 365

Although it's freakishly cold for a day in May I decided to bundle up and take a ride out to my favorite barn for my photo of the day.   I love the detail of the crackling paint and the contrast of white on red.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lady Di

103 0f 365

This is a charcoal sketch of Princess Diana that Shelby created in her Grade 11 Art class.  I had no idea she was so talented. Great work, Shelby!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ross Neilsen and the Sufferin' Bastards

102 of 365

Tonight we headed down to Mikey's Juke Joint with Michelle, Jonathan, Sarah and Jordie to see an old friend of Michelle's play. Ross Neilsen and the Sufferin' Bastards put on an awesome show. I'm looking forward to seeing them play again in October when they return to Calgary .

Friday, May 15, 2009

Levi Layin' in the Grass

101 of 365

Now that the weather is getting a bit nicer Levi has been spending some time soaking up the sun sprawled out on the new green grass.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cheap Parking

99 of 365

If you are downtown and looking for cheap parking just turn right off Center Street across from The Hyatt and here you will find it.  Just in past the actual paid lot is another "secret" lot that is managed by a friendly gentleman who is always willing to negotiate a price.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tulips in the Rain

98 of 365

A few minutes after I stepped outside at lunch time in search of my subject for today the rain started to pour. I sought shelter in the +15 and managed to get this shot from an open door.

Monday, May 11, 2009


97 of 365

Quite some time ago Gord starting calling me "E" after his roommate Sarah called me Eeeeelisha all weekend.  It caught on and now many refer to me as "E"...which I kinda like.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Carly's Angels

95 of 365

Tonight the girls and I headed out to The Village Cantina to see a drag queen show titled Carly's Angels and it was a great show indeed.  This is a photo of Carly himself and yes, that's right...this is a guy.  Wowsers!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Funky Folders

94 of 365

I was feeling way too tired today to put any effort into my photo, so here you have Funky Folders on a Friday.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


93 of 365

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Moroccan Feast

92 of 365

Tonight we endulged in a Moroccan Feast at Sultan's Tent in Kensington.  Gord opted for the "full meal deal" which was 6 courses. The cool thing about Sultan's Tent is that you eat using your hands; this would explain why you see Gord sipping his soup directly out of the bowl.  The food was delicious.  If you're looking for a unique dining experience Sultan's Tent is definitely worth checking out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Can Fly!

91 of 365

I enjoyed a nice walk through Princess Island Park with Nicole this afternoon during lunch. She too enjoys photography and didn't mind being my subject for today.  Thanks for the nice walk and chat today, cuz!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Shadows & Arches

90 of 365

I love how the light is shining in through the arches in this one.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Donut Mill

89 of 365

The Donut Mill is located in Gasoline Alley, Highway 2 southbound in Red Deer, AB.  Although the the sweet smell of donuts was wafting in the air calling me inside I opted not to have any. Maybe next time...

Saturday, May 2, 2009


88 of 365

Doggles are goggles for dogs.  This cute little Yorkshire Terrier was sporting a pair today on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton.  Love it!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Legislative Assembly of Alberta

87 of 365

This shot of the Legislative building in Edmonton was taken out of the car window as Mom, Sally and I drove by on our way to our hotel. I took it with my zoom lens and can't believe how well it turned out. Finally, some better material for Project 365!