Thursday, April 30, 2009


86 of 365

Lately I haven't been spending as much time on Project 365 as I would like and so I have to admit I just snapped this picture and really don't have anything to say about it... that's probably because I just don't like it. Since I'm functioning on only 4 hours sleep I have decided to let it go - tomorrow is a new day!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


85 of 365

A late night shot that was taken at the Calgary Airport.  Why was I at the airport you may ask? My Mom is here visiting for the next 11 days. Woohoo!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

84 of 365

Coming soon!

Monday, April 27, 2009


83 of 365

A few trinkets I've collected on some of my travels.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ten Toes

82 of 365

For our April Girl Event Sarah invited us all to Urban Venus Nail Bar for pedicures.    She wins the title of "prettiest toes" and takes the spot for my picture of the day. Thanks, Sarah for a great day!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Five Cent Addiction

81 of 365

Lately I've had a bit of an addition to 5 cent candy.  My favorites include blue whales and sour soothers. Shortly before 10 PM tonight Shelby and I headed down to 7-11 to get our fill.  

Friday, April 24, 2009

Stephen Avenue Trees

80 of 365

I've tried to get a shot of these scupltures on Stephen Avenue one other time and just wasn't happy with the result.  Today it worked out for me;  I like this perspective.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Best Wife Ever Week

79 of 365

Yesterday was Administrative Professional's Day so Gord treated me to flowers and took me out for wings.   

The card reads: "Happy Administrative Professional's Week and Best Wife Ever Week.  

Love it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Snow, Snow Go Away!

78 of 365

I'm beginning to think the snow and cold weather are never going to let up.  I took this shot today at 4:30 PM on my way home from work. A few sunny Spring days sure would be nice!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


77 of 365

I took this shot at Eau Claire Market today.  I'm not sure if these are the real deal; but they do look nice.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hit or Miss

76 of 365

Although lately I never seem come out with any "good finds" at Winners I still enjoying browsing around.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


75 of 365

It was late tonight before I attempted to get my photo of the day so I'm settling with a close up shot of a throw pillow that goes on my bed. I'm calling this one "Swirly".

Saturday, April 18, 2009


74 of 365

It was so nice to see Anissa at dinner tonight and do a bit of catching up. She joined the gang (Sally, Jay, Shelby, Brandon, Gord) and I at Fiore Cantina for Brandon's "good-bye" supper.  I always enjoy time spent with Anissa; it's too bad we don't get together more.  Love this shot of her; so pretty!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Is the glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty?

73 of 365

What would you say... 1/2 full or 1/2 empty?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Twigs & Company

72 of 365

Twigs & Company is another flower and gift shop that I love.  It's located on Stephen Avenue and they always have an awesome display of flowers and such outside in front of the store.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Street Meat

71 of 365

This shot shows Calgary's version of what Gord and I like to call "Street Meat".  As the weather has started to warm up and get nicer it seems as though there is a hot dog & sausage cart on every other street corner. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Do you see what I see?

70 of 365

Every morning when Gord drops me off for work I walk by this sculpture.  I was surprised when I showed him this photo and he had no idea where this piece was located.  

Isn't it funny how we pass by things every day and may not even realize they are there?  Since I started becoming more serious about photography I see things in a different way and I've definitely become more aware of my surroundings...and I like that!

Monday, April 13, 2009


69 of 365

While visiting our friend's Jake & Lyn today I was able to get this great shot of their adorable 3 year old son, Gavin. 

Gavin was happy to pose for me as long as I would show him the picture after taking it.  I just love how his big brown eyes sparkle in this photo.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Another Sign

68 of 365

I'm quite often drawn to signs, especially funky ones and enjoy photographing them. This particular sign is located at the entrance of the skate park in Cochrane. We stopped there today on our way to Banff so Brandon could check out the park. He skated around for a bit, did a couple of tricks and then we were off to Banff. 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

67 of 365

A "Happy Easter" basket for Shelby filled with lots of chocolately goodness!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Reach for the Sky

66 of 365

Shelby's friend Brandon, who's a skater, is here visiting from NB. Today we took a drive to the Shaw Millenium skate park so he could check it out. This shot is the first one I took of him coming down over the stairs and surprisingly it turned out to be the best shot of the day. I'm looking forward to checking out other skate parks this week with Brandon and practicing "action shots".

Thursday, April 9, 2009

River Cafe

65 of 365

Today I enjoyed lunch with Susan at River Cafe.  We both opted for their lunch special. On the menu was Roasted Butternut Squash Soup, Grilled Sunworks Farm Organic Chicken and Saskatoon Berry & White Chocolate Bread Pudding, all for the low price of $25.  It was delicious!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Plugging Away at Project 365

64 of 365

This photo is the result of me realizing it's 8:30 PM and I have a few more things to do before going to bed, I'm exhausted and I don't have a picture for Project 365.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Back Alley

63 of 365

If it's possible to have a favorite "back alley", this one would be mine. It can be accessed from Center Street across from the Hyatt.

Monday, April 6, 2009


62 of 365

Gord brought home his new Ducati yesterday.  It's a 2007 Monster S4rs and this is your sneak peak for now!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Treasure Island

61 of 365

Today Gord, Shelby and I drove to Edmonton so that Gord could pick up his new Ducati.  While Gord got headed back to Airdrie early on the bike, Shelby and I decided to check out West Edmonton Mall.  

We only had a couple of hours but we managed to find the Hollister store, Bath & Body Works and Forever XXI, as well as take a few pictures of the attractions.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


60 of 365

Gord, Shelby and I took a drive to Crossroads Market today.  We didn't buy anything but Shelby did try on a few different pairs of being these cool green shades.

Friday, April 3, 2009

La Fleur

59 of 365

La Fleur is a floral boutique I walk by every day on my way to the c-train.  They always have an awesome arrangement of flowers and plants displayed at the back of the store in the court yard of Art Central.  

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Family of Man

58 of 365

This man is part of a group of statues called Family of Man.  He stands 21 feet tall and can be found at 515 MacLeod Trail SE in Calgary.  The statues are located in front of the Board of Education building and were placed there in July of 1968.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Daffodil Days

57 of 365

In late March, early April Canadian Cancer Society volunteers are busy selling and delivering bright yellow daffodils across Canada to help raise money in support of the fight against cancer. 

The daffodil is the Canadian Cancer Society's symbol of hope in the fight against cancer. The cheerful blooms are sold every year and mark the beginning of the Society's annual door to door fundraising campaign in April.